Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Top Gut*



I always had a thing for Val Kilmer; he was such a tasty example of a joli laid. But now, evidently, he's lots o' laid and not joli at all. Maybe all he needs is my loving support.

* Val's filmography presented many possibilities for the title, including Masked and Enormous, Many Too Many, Buffalo Wings of Courage, and of course Fatman Forever. But I'm hoping this is just a phase, not forever.


Anonymous said...

Il n'est pas un joli laid, il est gros et il n'est pas leger. I am shocked and dismayed by his chumpalumpish state.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother, rest her soul, would say he has Dunlap's Disease. As in: That belly Dunlap'd o'er that belt.

Anonymous said...


That ain't right.