Saturday, December 06, 2008

Out in the Cold

It takes something special to get my crippled ass out of the house when it's this cold. Like, say, a musical featuring two of my pet fascinations: socialites and squalor. And what better outing for a shut-in than a play about shut-ins?

For an early Christmas treat, we took girlfriends Bob and Bruce to see Grey Gardens. It was quite good, and the cast stayed after for some Q and A, which always makes me feel special.

Go see it if you have the chance - in addition to, not instead of, the eponymous 1975 documentary. Because that smorgasbord of pathos stands alone.

Fun browsing here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I was so happy that on Christmas Eve Bruce gave me the documentary which you had so highly recommended, with good reason. I'm not sure why but "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Grey Gardens" seem to be the only 2 dvds we don't mind watching more than 5 or 10 times.

aka Big Daddy