Friday, April 27, 2007

State of the Blog

I wasn't entirely sure what to expect when I started the blog last fall, but I did have a few aims:

1. I wanted it to be a repository of items that interested, amused, and/or annoyed me. Posting them in one place would save me from forwarding them individually -- and you from drowning in email. The first part has worked out wonderfully; I post everything I want to -- unless it has a video attachment or too many photos, in which case I resort to email.

The second part hasn't been as successful. Without even a traffic counter, I have no idea how many visitors the blog gets, much less who they are. So I've been emailing more than I intended: "Hey! I just posted something funny. Go look."

2. As handwriting became impossible, phone calls grew very difficult, and even typing got challenging, this seemed a great way to stay in touch with people. A visit to the blog would provide a glimpse into the dark, sticky morass of my mind for anyone so inclined. This has worked from my end; as for you, I have no clue. Which leads me to:

3. I'd hoped the postings -- some of them, anyway -- would spark occasional dialogue, or at least a bit of feedback. Boy, was I wrong. Aside from a small handful of diligent correspondents, most of them old friends, there's been barely a peep. The exceptions -- posted comments, private emails, and face-to-face remarks -- are like springs in the desert. (You know who you are -- thanks!)

I know, I know -- you're busy. So is my friend with three rambunctious young kids. Also the one who's almost completely paralyzed. And the one whose chronic fatigue is so debilitating, she has to lie down after taking a shower. Yet somehow they all manage to check in periodically and say, "I loved the post on X. Have you checked out site Y? I think you'd enjoy it." Sarcasm notwithstanding, I'm resigned to reality.

Early on I tried to link to a subscription service, but it wasn't at all user friendly. Yesterday a friend turned me on to FeedBlitz, which is as easy as the old service wasn't. Free, too, and I believe you can add all your favorite sites.

When you subscribe to Jacquoff (using the link in the upper-right corner of the screen), you get an automatic daily digest of new posts (assuming there are any) without having to make that onerous trek to the blog itself. You have total freedom to peruse the latest material (or not) and comment thereon (or not). Best of all, no more go-look-at-this emails from me.


scissors happy said...

i read your blog pretty much every day. i love it. i have a blog with a site meter so i can see who's reading and it's mostly people looking for photos of shitty tattoos (google image search sends them my way). i can barely guess if anyone actually reads what i write, but i do love it when people tell me that they have been reading, so i know that i'm not just doing it out of boredom but as a way to keep people up to date on what i've been up to and i don't have to send forwards. anyway, i know we've never met but i love reading your take on weird shit and sometimes link to stuff that you found (but i always give you credit, i promise).

(btw, i am one of marty's friends).

care said...

I always read what you send me, because I get on the computer just long enough until I hear a scream or crash.

I personally (just to be an abnoxious oldpussycat) have decided to go back and respond to every one with comments and random thoughts about michael, dan, "the boys" and what ever pops into my sick little brain at that very moment.

We love our little wheelchair girl!

Anonymous said...

I know that I comment regularly but I never mentioned how busy and important I am and you are lucky I find the time to comment daily. Kidding aside after the weather you are my first stopping point of the day after Yanksgal!

Brooks Peck said...

I guess I'm one of the lurkers. I read your blog, oh, once a week. I often turn to it when I'm feeling aggrivated or blue and need some cheering up. And then I usually read something that freaks my shit and all is well with the world.

Anonymous said...

You're the meaning in my life, you're my perspiration.

Anonymous said...

What I wanted to write was "see, this is why I never comment on your blog, you and your witty readers set the bar too damn high". But unfortunately, the people who commented on this post just weren't very witty. The comment I was thinking of was written by Joanne who said "Better a hand than a bird in your bush." Now that's beyond witty. I also don't comment because it is hard to spell hysterical peals of laughter or verbally demonstrate my hand clamped over my gaping mouth. By the way, do you know how hard it is to be famous yet not able to brag about it?