Saturday, June 09, 2007

Putting the Cross in Cross Stitch

For a crafty person, I've always been leery of crafts. In fact, my stomach clenches a little whenever I hear crafting used as a verb.

But things like cross stitch belong in a separate category -- far above, say, macrame or any of the schlock they push on HGTV's daytime shows. If someone made me a cushion with one of these patterns, I'd be proud to display it in my living room.

With thanks to Kristine.


care said...

I like "whatevah" and "shut the fuck up." These are things I think "Eight days a week..."

We are working on one for you that says.....

"Fuck you little wheelchair girl" I hope that Leslie or yo mamma will not be offended by such use of colorful language.

Anonymous said...

Needlepoint is much more sophisticated than cross stitch, Yanksgal is a needlepointer and not crafty at all!

Mykljak said...

Oh, she's crafty all right. Crafty like a fox.