Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Overheard in the Holler

Dan: Did you fart?

Michael: (nods)

Dan: That's good. I was afraid you'd crapped your pants.

Overheard by: Jack Dumpsey

Come On Get Hoppé

Westminster Underground Station, London, 1937
(E.O. Hoppé)

More of his work here.

From Riley.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Today's Top Stories

From Riley and Karen.

Home Is Where the Hard-on Is

My favorite remains that of a friend's neighbor: Sweatpants Boner.

From Derek.
How many baboons could you take in a fight? (armed only with a giant dildo)

Created by Oatmeal

The Late Show

Recent favorites from Sleep Talkin' Man:
"That's what I like about you. You're a reliable disappointment."

"I am simply far too busy being passive aggressive to give a shit about you."

"I'm tired of looking for the solution to this problem. Look for someone to blame instead."

"There's a reason you're such an arsehole. You just don't have to keep telling everybody about it. People will work it out for themselves pretty quickly."

"There are times when drinking the contents of the stomach of a ten-day-old corpse is a good idea. After hanging out with you, this is one of those times. Cock off!"

"How do blind people know they're done wiping? How?"
“Sorry, ladies, you must be this tall to ride this ride … and a boy.”

gay captions