Saturday, November 25, 2006

Prepare to Believe!

Or -- if you graduated from, say, elementary school -- maybe not. But do prepare to be greatly amused.

Somehow, I don't think the Creation Museum's creators* meant for it to be a place of high hilarity or a temple of irony. But this description in the Guardian makes it seem exceedingly promising in those regards. Leave it to a lefty Brit to write a magnificent sendup with just the right amount of restraint.

I'm clearly not among the facility's target market, yet I almost feel like checking it out when it opens next year -- if only to learn how the Grand Canyon was carved in a few months. It's pretty big, you know; I always thought it took at least a year or two.

* Do they call themselves that?


Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is some fancy museum, not that I would fly to Kentucky to see it, scary enough that 2/3 of the US population lives near there...

Anonymous said...

I guess I wasn't ready enough ... don't expect I'll ever be.