Sunday, February 25, 2007

Heartland Glamour

Despite all rationality, not to say decency, this is not a joke. So pour yourself a stiff drink -- even better, a Bartles & Jaymes -- and take a little tour. Try to ignore the agonized screaming of your brain; it grows fainter after a while. My favorite is the "maternity boudoir" page.

Meanwhile, back on the East Coast, Annie Leibovitz sobs in her sun-dappled studio.


Anonymous said...

White folks are funny!

Anonymous said...

I am literally blind now. I think glamour shots should not involve fat rolls in your corset. Yikes. I could be a supermodel if I lived in Iowa!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, only a slight majority of Iowan women look like that. The rest, I am ashamed to admit, are less attractive.