Tuesday, December 11, 2007

O Is for Obnoxious

Can somebody tell me why Oprah Winfrey's every utterance is reported by the media?

Presumably it's because she has such a big following, but that's even more of a mystery to me. I've watched her show a few times*, usually when she had an interesting guest, but Oprah herself reminds me of the colleague or sister-in-law you take pains to avoid -- way too peppy and always pushing something, especially her opinions.

I don't give a rat's ass what books she recommends, much less which candidate. Yet I'm forced to hear about it if I watch the news or read the paper, which has my knickers in a twist. If people really base their presidential choice on the endorsement of a talk-show host, things are even more depressing than I thought -- and that's really saying something.

* Most recently this episode, which was equally horrifying and riveting.


Anonymous said...

Well, I generally agree. But I want this country's ignorant masses listening to her rather than Pat Robertson. Word.

Mykljak said...


Anonymous said...

You love hoarders! They are fodder for your mill.

Anonymous said...

The last time I liked Opa was in the movie The Color Purple.

Anonymous said...

you don't get a car.