Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Old Yellow

On a sticky summer day, I find there's nothing quite so refreshing as pissing myself.

I didn't lose a full tank, but it was more than the usual dribble. Enough to make it under my flabby ass. Detrol had been helping for the past year or so, but it's no match for ALS.

I'm sure this happens to Brad Pitt all the time; we'll have to compare notes the next time he calls. By the way, did you notice he finally shaved off his chin pubes? The tabloids said he did it for a new role, but the truth is that I put my foot down and threatened to withhold certain services.


Vurine said...

'member in the ole days when this happened after a night of drinkin'.. .and one would wake up in the lawn somewhere between Milner and Bryan dorm? ... Don't tell me that was just me...

Bombshell McGee said...

You have your own personal sprinkler; there art thou happy!

Mykljak said...

Derek: Alcoholic incontinence was a remarkably frequent occurrence at Guilford. It never happened to me, but my sophomore roommate once let fly in our room. The girls who lived there the next year could still smell it on humid days.

Deb: It's been about 40 years since I enjoyed sitting under a sprinkler.

Vurine said...

who is this "Derek" person... sounds HAWT.