Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Candidate Calculator

According to this handy resource, Dennis Kucinich is my man. While that might be true intellectually, it ain't gonna happen.


Anonymous said...

I got Kucinich and some ex-Senator from Alaska that I have never heard of named Gravel, not a great name.

Anonymous said...

i got obama and giuliani,in a virtual tie, followed by biden. kucinich and ron paul, which i thought was a store in beverly hills, were dead last, which tells me i should probably stop shopping there

Anonymous said...

Kucinich as well (94.29%)! Gravel at 77%, and Clinton, Edwards and Obama came in at 68.6%...do I sense a pattern here? Since they are collecting the data already it would be interesting to see how divergent people are in their beliefs from their intended candidates. I bet some candidates would have very high affinity with their voters, whereas a lot of dems are planning on voting with their heads rather than their hearts...Maybe I should give Dennis a second look!

Anonymous said...

Apparently, I am a Gravel guy, but then I always did like Alaska.

Anonymous said...

i got 75% with kucinich and 74% with Hillary and 72% with Gravel. I also never heard of him. I'll vote for the democratic nominee.