Thursday, June 04, 2009

Word of the Day


One day several years ago, when I still ate real food, I was planning to have a Trader Joe's wrap for lunch. (I believe it was my favorite kind: Oriental chicken salad.) I took it out of the fridge, unwrapped it, and left it on the table to warm up a bit.

I was sitting in a patch of sun, reading a book or magazine, when I noticed Devo sit up, suddenly alert. As he started across the room, I looked ahead to see Zap dragging my sandwich down the hall. It was an arresting sight, as Trader Joe's wraps are big and heavy, while Zap is neither, weighing 18 pounds at most. Evidently his determination matched his greed.

My voice was iffy even then, especially in moments of agitation, but I made enough noise to bring the cleaning woman running, which stopped the petit larcenist in his thieving tracks. Annoyed though I was to lose my lunch, I had to admire Zap's ambition.

Thanks to Peggy for the link.


Scott Lahti said...

Many thanks for your linking to me, and points for your Trader Joe's plugs, as I contemplate a drive from SW Maine into Massachusetts to a TJ's therein myself soon. Here's my latest roundup, should you run low on links this week.

Velene Chiquey said...

Zap is so Cheeky