Monday, April 30, 2007

Turned Off

Energy-Savers a Turnoff for Wives

Apparently I'm the wife in this household.

I've often claimed that gay men are allergic to fluorescent light. As Kryptonite is to Superman, so fluorescence is to the homo. One of the first things I did when we bought this place was to rip down the huge fixture on the kitchen ceiling. Singlehandedly. I almost knocked myself out, but it was worth the risk because I was protecting us from a fate far uglier.

I know the planet's headed for disaster and this is a relatively easy step to take, but I hate the light from compact fluorescents. The engineers and marketers can boast all they want about advances; it's still a nasty, harsh, white light. Can't they coat the bulbs with yellow? Even pink would be an improvement.

If "only a man could have invented pantyhose," as my mom's been heard to grumble, then only a straight man could have come up with the compact fluorescent bulb. I'm coming along -- slowly -- but I wish they'd meet me halfway.


care said...

I get that frustration from those satan bulbs.

I feel high and confused if exposed too lon to them, and the 80's are gone for this BIGMAMA

Anonymous said...

I keep telling Michael I will do almost anything to save energy but to look like hagarella in my own house is too painful

Ben said...

I am 100% in love with my soft pink, low wattage bulbs (I look young and lovely in their glow). However, I did purchase a low-wattage, soft white compact for one lamp, and it's not all that bad (Really). If I slowly replace one at a time, I think I can fool myself, much like my switch from regular Coke to Diet Coke, my personal Lord and Savior

Anonymous said...

You, sir, are so right!