Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Plugging Away at Crafts

I generally regard crafts with a fair amount of scorn. Gluing macaroni onto a cigar box is fine for kindergartners, but if you're doing that kind of thing in your 30s, you might want to expand your horizons. I know, I know -- your découpage hatbox is très soignée, but it's really the same thing.

There's a fine line between hobby and obsession, and when someone calls it "crafting," I know they've crossed over. These are the ones who never pause to consider whether those pinecones really need the glitter. The ones who get pissy if you don't lavish enough praise on their popsicle-stick crèche.

Imagine my surprise when a subscriber passed along this link. Such creativity! I'd give it a try, but you'd probably rag me.


Anonymous said...

who knew you could make such handy stuff out of tampons? I would have never taken up needlepoint if I knew what great tampon crafts I could make...

Mykljak said...

The turkey is a showstopper, but it's the toupee that really intrigues me.

I wonder if Michael's sells tampons in bulk. Could be a very expensive pastime otherwise.