Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Meating of the Minds

What is it about bacon that inspires such creativity?

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C*

* Apparently an April fool prank from the brain trust that brought us Baconnaise.

Sources: Colleen, OMG Blog


Michael W said...

A friend of mine who is somewhat accomplished in the kitchen once remarked to me "everything is better with a little bacon on it." I have to admit Jos' roast chicken has several pieces of bacon draped over the breasts.

The Awakened said...

Dude, so totally already have the bacon bandaids, from the same friend who gave me the nasty bacon mints. Why do you not have them listed and can jewish people use those bacon bandaids, I've always wondered. I know they can use bacon flavored melba toasts, which are terrifyingly kosher dairy.

scissors happy said...

hott in 2009: bacon and zombies. have you noticed the proliferation of both? oh, and pirates, too, but that's been going on for a few years. although more in the johnny-depp-flying-the-jolly-roger sort of way, not the somalians-taken-out-by-navy seals sort of way.

somalian pirates and bacon come together in this: